All the drains inside your home lead to one main sewer line, which goes into the municipal system or towards your septic tank system. Knowing where your sewer line is crucial, especially when there are issues involving clogs, breaks, or backups. Learn how to locate the main sewer line in your yard and your house to properly mark it’s access points for any future sewer line replacement and repair services. Here are some pointers for locating your main sewer line in case of an emergency.
How to Locate the Main Sewer Line in Your Home
To locate your indoor sewer cleanout area, you’ll have to do a bit of searching. It can usually be found in the basement, garage, or crawl space. You will want to look for a pipe that is about four inches in diameter with a screw cap on the top with a notch or a square knob at the top. Note that some houses have an indoor sewer line cleanout point, while others might be located outdoors. It’s also possible to not have one in your house at all.
How to Locate the Main Sewer Line in Your Yard
If you can’t locate the main sewer line in your home, chances are it’s in your yard. Sewer line access points outside of the house can usually be found at the foundation of the home or near the streets where the sewer line links up with the municipal sewer main. Most of the time, the sewer line will be sticking up out of the ground and easy to see. However, overgrown landscaping or other objects close to the house could hide it. You could also have a buried sewer cleanout. Try searching on the side of the house that is closest to the main floor’s bathroom.
Still Having Trouble Locating Your Sewer Line?
There are a various different courses of action for you to take if you can’t locate the main sewer line in your home or yard. These include:
– Contact the Old Homeowner: if you talk with the previous homeowner or have their contact information, it’s worth asking if they could find the sewer line when they lived there.
– Call some Plumbing Professionals: A way to save yourself some time and effort is by calling in a plumbing expert. Not only can they find your sewer line in no time, but they can provide a sewer line replacement or repair if needed.
Get in Touch With B&D Today!
Dealing with any plumbing concerns that require a professional to step in? Struggling with an absolute plumbing emergency that can’t wait? Let B&D Plumbing know. B&D Plumbing Inc. services the greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area, including Maryland and Northern Virginia. Get in touch with us by calling (301) 595-1141 or follow us on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. As a small, family-owned business, we understand how important your home is—and we offer exceptional service that matches!