Plumbers have a lot of opinions and pieces of advice to give to people when it comes to fixing up their homes.
From brushing your teeth to washing dishes and watering the lawn, we utilize modern plumbing solutions every single day without ever thinking twice about it. That is, until something breaks, whether that be a sink, pipe, or shower. Without warning, the conveniences you take for granted are suddenly gone. During times like these, you might remember how important plumbing is and how essential it is for people with technical knowledge to know how to fix it the right way. Plumbers have a lot of opinions and pieces of advice to give to people when it comes to fixing up their homes. Read on to learn about some things you might not have known about plumbers.
Every Day is a New Challenge for Plumbers
Its rare when there are days in the life of a plumber that are ever the same. One day they are installing a new toilet in a residential kitchen, and the next day, they are repairing a leak in a school swimming pool. Each job is a unique and new challenge, and our plumbers approach each task with professionalism.
Kitchen Waste is Much Worse than Human Waste
You probably already know what dealing with human waste is like, it’s gross. When we asked our plumbers the nastiest part of their job, their response didn’t have to do with the bathroom, but the kitchen. Plumbers hate to deal with grease. While-bathroom related debris definitely made the list, decaying animal fat takes the cake. Consistent maintenance and drain cleaning can help keep the nastiness down to a minimum.
When it Comes to Plumbing, Older is Wiser
Hiring a plumber can be a bit of an intimidating task. You may be forced with a severe plumbing emergency, and you usually need help quickly, but you do not want to rush into trusting anybody inside your home. When asked about the important matters for hiring a plumber, our plumbing staff said that it’s always a good idea to hire yourself a plumber who has a lot of experience. When it comes to plumbing, the experience is key. B&D Plumbing has the expertise and knowledge that comes with years and years in the field.
Plumbers Save You Money Later by Doing the Job Now
While your septic tank might be easy to ignore, plumbers want you to know that it deserves your full attention. A septic tank should be pumped consistently, at intervals determined by your entire family’s size and the size of your septic tank. Without doing this, you risk paying for the ramifications, which could be far costlier than the maintenance work might have been.
Get in Touch With B&D Today!
Dealing with any plumbing concerns that require a professional to step in? Struggling with an absolute plumbing emergency that can’t wait? Let B&D Plumbing know. B&D Plumbing Inc. services the greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area, including Maryland and Northern Virginia. Get in touch with us by calling (301) 595-1141 or follow us on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. As a small, family-owned business, we understand how important your home is—and we offer exceptional service that matches!